Wednesday, June 14, 2006

More fun in the sun.

Well after almost one whole week of good weather we've returned to the British norm and it's started pissing down again. I really can't stress just how terrible Britain is when it is as hot and muggy as it's been the last few days. In the Okanagan I thought nothing of tempatures around 32-35. Oh sure, it was hot and all that but it wasn't the end of the world cause it was a dry heat. In Britain it gets so muggy that it feels like you're walking through a hot rain cloud.

Fortunately, I have a few more pics of my spiritual "island in the sun", Glasgow, to put up for all to enjoy.

This is the lovely cathedral in Paisley, where Jill lives. I don't know why but cathedrals always give me the willies. And while we're on the topic, why does holy water not burn other people like it does me?

Oh well, that's why I stayed outside.
George's Square, a lovely place to while away the afternoon and the best tobacco shop is right on the corner. Unfortunately it was closed when I was there so I couldn't get the pipe tobacco that I like.
Well that's it for this post. I have a few more pics that I'll post when I get the chance but for now it's back to work for me.


Blogger Katy said...

Great Blog!!!...Fantastic pics...looks like fun.

8:16 am  

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