Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I'm going to Berlin in a few short days

Well folks, the excitement is rising in my now. There is something I love about leaving London. Perhaps it's the air quality or the general "demilitarised zone" ambiance of my neighbourhood but whatever it is, I always feel a huge sense of relief when I watch Stanstead airport fall away beneith the plane. I leave this Sunday for what is sure to be a memorable trip, although Sea Bass has warned me that it is gonna be a week of parties so I will probably need my camera if I am gonna remember any of it. Fortunately he has school during the days so I will have a chance to check out the tourist area's in a relatively sober state.

Apart from that, I agreed to a contract extension that'll take me to February first. After that my managers are hoping to have created a new post for me to move into on a more permanent basis. It completely sucks but I have to accept the fact that I've become a suit. It appears that my talents are slightly more suited to middle management than film location management. Or maybe I'm just in a different place in my life now than I was then (well obviously I'm in a "different place" physically, but I meant it more in a mentally/spiritually way).

The flat hunt has begun officially. Charlie and I are gonna look at a few different places in the coming weeks but I am handing in my notice on my current flat today. I think I'll enjoy getting back to Willesden Green. There is a lot to be said for living an hours bike ride away from work. For starters, I am getting too flabby with only my three minute commute. I much prefer to cycle for an hour each morning. It wakes you up and I get a certain degree of perverse pleasure out of cycling past the massive traffic jams that clog up every school run street. Serves them right for owning a car in London. Morons!!!!

Well that is about all that I can type before work so I will be off now. I wish you all peace, prosperity, wisdom, and love. Unless of course you don't actually know me and you just stumbled across this by accident then you only get the peace, prosperity and wisdom. Love takes time stranger, love takes time (Bow chicka, wow wow).


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