Monday, November 06, 2006

Weekend Maneuvers With The Chopper Army

Well dear readership once more the Chopper army went out on maneuvers for a weekend while Major Facial popped into town for a little R&R. I'd say there was lots to say about the weekend but sadly all intel is vaguer than our justification for invading Iraq. Still, the minute amount of photographic evidence I managed to retain should shed some light on the events of the weekend. Enjoy.

The Maj. isn't a big fan of kisses while he's trying to snort beer (where's the love man???). We tried to get the IV in but trying to find a vein to pump beer into isn't the easist trick in the book.

The Colonel as alter ego Charlie Evil!!! (On a sadder note, I lost that jacket at the club cause the coat check guys are cocks.)

The proud group photo on the Chopper army. Left to Right: Garith "Major Facial" Roberts, Barry (Charlie) "The Colonel" Emerson, and yours truly, Mark "Air Marshal Chopper 2.0" Reid.

Another weekend of drunken anti-social behaviour. C'est la vie.

That's it for today but I can assure you there are more fun postings to come. Peace out to my peeps.


Blogger Savage said...

About this army thing you have going... whats up? Need a indian scout? always good for saying washdada wahsdada into a radio to intel... for what ever reason... even if the nazis aren't listening... Here I'm known to most as The Savage... Initiation? If it involves getting blotto and seeing what happens from there... i'm all over it like a catholic priest on a choir boy. unless of course its a sexual thing then I'll have to pass on that one. creepy. If i ever win (or play for that matter) the lottery and win... I'll be over then to party... until then... I'll just have to get drunk over here

3:43 am  

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