Monday, July 10, 2006

Germany in words.

Okay folks, well no pics yet cause I haven’t got the cradle for the camera but they are en route. As promised though, here is my trip all summed up nicely for you.

Day one: Get to Berlin, have a beer at the brewery with Sea Bass. It tastes good but it is 10:00 am. Sea Bass says that it is already a bit late in the day to start drinking. I shudder. Dump my stuff at his and then go out drinking at a beer garden with him and a few of the dossers that were camping out in Sea Bass’s flat (5 people, 1 room, you do the math). Really drunk on walk home. Burn myself badly on Burger King mini-burrito and throw an EZ chair at a parked car. Nuff said!

Day two: Have first beer slightly later at 11:00. Decide to cook gnocchi. Go shopping for groceries. Get very confused by German language but still manage to get gnocchi thanks to Lidl. Sea Bass gets off work and we go to line our stomachs before the match. Eat a King Elvis burger at cool little bar then head for “fan mile”. A million or so people there all watching German get embarrassingly defeated by Italy. Leave as riots begin.

Day three: EXLPOSIVE DIAHREA!!! Spend morning on toilet. I no longer like the King Elvis burger!!! Spend afternoon taking a walking tour of Berlin (i.e.: wandering around looking for the non-existent public toilets). See lots but do nothing else really. Sea Bass, Dolan and I head to cool little beach bar on communist side of the Berlin wall and while away the evening chatting and drinking Coronas.

Day four: Sea Bass finishes early so we go to the Erotik Museum, the zoo and the aquarium. Watch sharks being fed, gorilla urinating and the saddest looking orang-utan in the world. In the evening we meet up with Adriana and go to a great little underground jazz club. Great time had by all.

Day five: Beach time. Spend the morning and early afternoon looking at naked Germans on the beach. Late afternoon go to VLB (Sea Bass’s brewery) annual party. Eat a crap load of pork and cabbage. First day of rain in months so it decides to make up for it all in one go. See some very ingenious German methods of keeping water out of beer steins. Say my farewells to Sea Bass and crew and head for the plane. Get through the surprisingly tight security. Discover you can’t smoke on other side of security. Head back out through security. Smoke like a chimney for half an hour. Head back in and await my flight. No air-con in airport so I’m schvitsing like crazy. Get back to Stanstead after the longest two-hour flight of my life.

Well folks, that about covers my trip and the pics are coming soon so that you’ll be able to see some of what I’m writing about. It was a great time and it was great to hang with the Bass again. Hopefully he’ll be coming over here in August for a spot of time but there are no guarantees yet, fingers crossed. I spoke with Joel and he is planning to take some time off in August, so if Bass does make it I’ll probably do the same so that we can all hang out.

Well I better get back to work now.

Peace all.


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