Monday, December 11, 2006

Fort St. John - Mark O' The North

Alrighty, well I'm back from the Great White North and I'm chilling out in rainy Vancouver again. It was absolutely amazing to visit Iain up north and see the "True North Strong And Free" as they say, so here are a few snippet pictures of my trip. I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoyed taking them.

This is Vancouver from the air. I took this as we took off on the smallest little plane I've ever been on and wouldn't you know, we hit turbulance. To those of you who've never been in a turbulent flight on a small plane, let me just say that it is about the best laxative on Earth. And lucky me, I got to be in the emergency exit seat. YAY!!!

Here is the Peace River from the view point. This is truly God's country if you ask me. Or, you know, if I believed in God.

Iain and Tanya in this cool little pub slash museum in Rolla near the Alberta border.

Here is a picture from the pub of a dude riding a moose. I thought it was really cool since the only moose we saw (and we did see a few) didn't seem to really like people. Certainly never let someone ride them.

Here are some of the deer that hang out in Iain's front yard in Taylor. Nature is not so scared of people up here which is kinda ironic when you consider how many guys up here like hunting.

Here is the closest I came to hunting. I LOVE ICE FISHING NOW!!! Just look at the catch we got in TWO HOURS OF FISHING!!!!!! Also, we managed to drink 16 beers between us in the same amount of time. This is like 3 kilo's of fresh trout. They were very good with garlic bread.

Okay, here is my sign-off pic. This here is Mark O' The North ice fishing away.

Well there you have it. That's my trip in a few pics. There are many more but I will have to post them another day. I've still got a heap of stuff to do here in Vancouver (not the least of which is laundry. When you wear everything that you own all at once to combat the cold you tend to use your clean stuff pretty quick.) Lot's of love to all and I miss you all (some more than others of course, and you know who you are.)



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