Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Tanning My Neck Red

He he he... guns are cool! And remember kids; guns don't kill people, drunken morons with guns kill people.



Blogger Sebastian! said...

Nice to see you embracing our culture again Mark! When you come to Summerland we'll be sure to go out and Chop down a Christmas tree with a 12-guage, before shooting the normal old cars and road-signs

1:43 am  
Blogger Savage said...

Welcome back to Canadian society mark! Guns, beer, parkin lot drinkin... check. all we need to do is fire up the sled for some ambiance.

11:12 pm  
Blogger Mel said...

hey mark's melissa mathers i stumbbled across your blog through someone's. just thought i would say hi and see what's the way ...when the hell are ya gonna do another post???!!! lol

3:26 am  

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