Friday, April 06, 2007

Wales (or Cymruffllmmllllqqqwwwjjjfjjjpppffffr... if you speak Welsh that is.)

Wales! Land of leaks, daffodills, and castles... lovely country that I'm going to return to. Not just because the Major lives there; but because it is a lovely place. It's a bit like Scotland but without the vowels. Oh yeah, Welsh (the language) is completely incomprehensible. It's like speaking Norwegian under water... Still it makes for a lovely character and it translates beautifully into song. The Welsh are awesome singers. So here is my trip around Wales...

Sir Chopper of Caerphilly. That's not how it's spelt but I don't have enough "Q" and "R" buttons to really flesh it out.

Air Marshall Chopper rocking the ballista. How cool is that? Sadly they wouldn't give us any arrows to fire at the annoying American/Canadian tourists. FYI - We are a VERY annoying people...

The Major trying to read a sign. I told you it was a weird language... or maybe he is just a weird bloke...


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