Monday, November 06, 2006

Weekend Maneuvers With The Chopper Army

Well dear readership once more the Chopper army went out on maneuvers for a weekend while Major Facial popped into town for a little R&R. I'd say there was lots to say about the weekend but sadly all intel is vaguer than our justification for invading Iraq. Still, the minute amount of photographic evidence I managed to retain should shed some light on the events of the weekend. Enjoy.

The Maj. isn't a big fan of kisses while he's trying to snort beer (where's the love man???). We tried to get the IV in but trying to find a vein to pump beer into isn't the easist trick in the book.

The Colonel as alter ego Charlie Evil!!! (On a sadder note, I lost that jacket at the club cause the coat check guys are cocks.)

The proud group photo on the Chopper army. Left to Right: Garith "Major Facial" Roberts, Barry (Charlie) "The Colonel" Emerson, and yours truly, Mark "Air Marshal Chopper 2.0" Reid.

Another weekend of drunken anti-social behaviour. C'est la vie.

That's it for today but I can assure you there are more fun postings to come. Peace out to my peeps.
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